Fiona Apple: Anything We Want + Werewolf

2012.06.05. 09:30, -recorder-

Nagyon örülhettünk Regina Spektor múlt héten megjelent új albumának, a Recorderen is meghallgatható What We Saw From The Cheap Seatsnek, de az igazi szenzáció egy másik New York-i dalszerző-zongorista-énekesnő új lemeze lesz: az 1977-es születésű Fiona Apple nem kevesebb mint hét év szünet után tér vissza, hogy folytassa az eddig három milliós eladású albummal (Tidal –1996, When The Pawn... – 1999, Extraordinary Machine – 2005) szegélyezett pályáját, egy nem kevesebb mint 23 szavas címet viselő lemezzel (The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than The Driver Of The Screw, And Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do). A köztes hét évben csak különféle feldolgozásokat elpotyogtató művésznő a márciusi texasi South by Southwest (SXSW) fesztiválon már három új szerzeményét is előadta, melyek közül aztán a június 18-ra ígért album nyitódalát, az Every Single Nightot áprilisban már stúdióverzióban is közzétette, most pedig 24 óra lefogása alatt két további új számot is mutatott a lemezről: az Anything We Wantot a New York Timesnak, a Werewolfot pedig a Pitchforknak adott mélyinterjúhoz mellékelte (az előbbi interjú fotózására a zongorista-énekesnő a kutyáját, Janetet ábrázoló kartonlappal érkezett, amit néha koncertjein is felmutat). A csupasz hangzású  dobosával, Charley Draytonnal kettesben, külső producer bevonása nélkül rögzített – visszatérő album két újabb dala itt a Recorderen is meghallgatható. 

Anything We Want



Anything We Want

My cheeks were reflecting the longest wavelength
My fan was folded up and gracing my forehead
And I kept touching my neck
To guide your eye to where I wanted you to kiss me
When we find some time alone

My scars were reflecting the mist in your headlights
I looked like a neon zebra shaking rain off her stripes
And the rivulets had you riveted
To the places that I wanted you to kiss me
When we find some time alone

And then, we can
Do anything we want

We started out sipping the water
And now we try to swallow the waves
And we try not to let those bastards get us down
We don't worry anymore
Cause we know when the guff comes we get brave
After all, look around
It's happening, it's happening, it's happening now

Let's pretend we're eight years old playing hooky
I'll draw on the wall and you can play UFC rookie
Then we'll grow up, take our clothes off
And you remind me that I wanted you to kiss me
When we find some time alone

And then, we can
Do anything we want



I could liken you to a werewolf the way you left me for dead
But I admit that I provided a full moon
And I could liken you to a shark the way you bit off my head
But then again I was waving around a bleeding, open wound

But you were such a super guy ‘til the second you get a whiff of me
We are like a wishing well and a bolt of electricity
But we can still support each other, all we gotta do's avoid each other
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key

The lava of the volcano shot up hot from under the sea
One thing leads to another and you made an island of me

And I could liken you to a chemical the way you made me compound a compound
But I'm a chemical, too, inevitable you and me would mix
And I could liken you to a lot of things but I always come around
'Cause in the end I'm a sensible girl, I know the fiction of the fix

But you were such a super guy ‘til the second you get a whiff of me
We are like a wishing well and a bolt of electricity
But we can still support each other, all we gotta do's avoid each other
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key 


a visszatérő album borítója és részletes dallistája:

Fiona Apple:
The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than The Driver Of The Screw, And Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do

1. Every Single Night
2. Daredevil
3. Valentine
4. Jonathan
5. Left Alone
6. Werewolf
7. Periphery
8. Regret
9. Anything We Want
10. Hot Knife

összeállította: Déri Zsolt


Címkék: fiona apple
Fiona Apple: Anything We Want + Werewolf
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