A Rough Trade, Mojo, Uncut, Q, Paste listáit tartalmazó első eresztés, a Clash, Filter, FACT, fRoots, Songlines – már több esetben szakosodott – rangsorai, a kifejezetten metál listákat összefogó harmadik csokor, a többnyire obskúrusabb zenéket preferáló Stereogum, Gorilla vs. Bear, The Quietus, NPR Music listái, az NME, Rolling Stone, MTV, A.V. Club évösszegzői, a Popmatters, musicOHM, Wire rangsorait bemutató rész, az észak-európai popsajtót szemléző összeállítás és a legutóbbi Pitchfork, The Guardian, Spin, Resident Advisor, Drowned In Sound adag után lássunk a popzenét hozzánk hasonlóan inkább fogyasztó, mint előállító európai országok rangsoraiból néhányat (német, francia, ír, izlandi, spanyol, portugál, olasz magazinokból és online lapokból válogattunk), melyekben persze azért felfigyelhetünk számunkra jó eséllyel teljesen ismeretlenül hangzó olasz, spanyol, francia, német és persze ír előadókra is - bár természetesen a nagy nemzetközi fő csapást ezek a kontinentális poplapok is tartották.
A német Musikexpress magazin összesítése:
1. PJ Harvey: Let England Shake
2. James Blake: James Blake
3. Feist: Metals
4. Radiohead: The King of Limbs
5. Bon Iver: Bon Iver
6. Fleet Foxes: Helplessness Blues
7. The Rapture: In the Grace of Your Love
8. Anna Calvi: Anna Calvi
9. Metronomy: The English Riviera
10. Shabazz Palaces: Black Up
11. Tom Waits: Bad as Me
12. Jamie Woon: Mirrorwriting
13. Destroyer: Kaputt
14. Wilco: The Whole Love
15. EMA: Past Life Martyred Saints
16. Danger Mouse & Danielle Luppi: Rome
18. Iron & Wine: Kiss Each Other Clean
19. The Strokes: Angles
20. John Maus: We Must Become the Pitiless Censors of Ourselves
21. Nicolas Jaar: Space is Only Noise
22. Hercules And Love Affair: Blue Songs
23. Martyn: Ghost People
24. Toro y Moi: Underneath the Pine
25. Fucked Up: David Comes to Life
26. Lady Gaga: Born this Way
27. Tyler, The Creator: Goblin
28. Kasabian: Velociraptor!
29. Bright Eyes: The People's Key
30. Modeselektor: Monkeytown
31. Andreas Dorau: Todesmelodien
32. Justice: Audio, Video, Disco
33. Little Dragon: Ritual Union
34. Zola Jesus: Conatus
35. Art Department: The Drawing Board
37. Beirut: The Rip Tide
38. Death Cab For Cutie: Codes and Keys
39. Wild Beasts: Smother
40. Adele: 21
41. Bill Callahan: Apocalypse
42. Beastie Boys: Hot Sauce Committee Part Two
43. Lykke Li: Wounded Rhymes
44. Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds: Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds
45. M83: Hurry up, We're Dreaming
46. The Weeknd: House of Balloons
47. Washed Out: Within and Without
48. Cults: Cults
49. Peaking Lights: 936
50. Joan As Police Woman: The Deep Field
A Musikexpress riválisának számító német Intro magazin év végi listája:
1. Destroyer: Kaputt
2. Bon Iver: Bon Iver
3. Metronomy: The English Riviera
4. John Maus: We Must Become The Pitiless Censors Of Ourselves
5. James Blake: James Blake
6. Andreas Dorau: Todesmelodien
7. Beirut: The Rip Tide
8. Yuck: Yuck
9. Mogwai: Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will
10. Wu Lyf: Go Tell Fire To The Mountain
11. Pollyester: Earthly Powers
12. M83: Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming
13. Apparat: The Devil’s Walk
14. Nicolas Jaar: Space Is Only Noise
15. The Kills: Blood Pressures
16. Casper: XOXO
17. The Rapture: In The Grace Of Your Love
18. Thees Uhlmann: Thees Uhlmann
19. PJ Harvey: Let England Shake
20. Little Dragon: Ritual Union
21. Wolves In The Throne Room: Celestial Lineage
22. PeterLicht: Das Ende der Beschwerde
23. Modeselektor: Monkeytown
24. Foster The People: Torches
25. Ja, Panik: DMD KIU LIDT
26. Battles: Gloss Drop
27. Boy: Mutual Friends
28. Tyler, The Creator: Goblin
29. Jamie Woon: Mirrorwriting
30. Feist: Metals
31. Washed Out: Within And Without
32. Radiohead: The King Of Limbs
33. Cloud Control: Bliss Release
34. Girls: Father, Son, Holy Ghost
35. The Strokes: Angles
36. Jupiter Jones: Jupiter Jones
37. When Saints Go Machine: Konkylie
38. The Brandt Brauer Frick Ensemble: Mr. Machine
39. The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart: Belong
40. Ghostpoet: Peanut Butter Blues & Melancholy Jam
41. Locas In Love: Lemming
42. WhoMadeWho: Knee Deep
43. Bright Eyes: The People’s Key
44. Liturgy: Aesthethica
45. Fujiya & Miyagi: Ventriloquizzing
46. Cant: Dreams Come True
47. Real Estate: Days
48. Fleet Foxes: Helplessness Blues
49. Lykke Li: Wounded Rhymes
50. Kurt Vile: Smoke Ring For My Halo
A francia Magic! listája:
1. Girls: Father, Son, Holy Ghost
2. Destroyer: Kaputt
3. Baxter Dury: Happy Soup
4. Metronomy: The English Riviera
5. John Maus: We Must Become The Pitiless Censors Of Ourselves
6. Francoise And The Atlas MountainsE Volo Love
7. Bon Iver: Bon Iver, Bon Iver
8. Atlas Sound: Parallax
9. Connan Mockasin: Forever Dolphin Love
10. Feist: Metals
11. Maison Neuve: Joan
12. Panda Bear: Tomboy
13. Real Estate: Days
14. Jean-Louis Murat: Grand Lièvre
15. Skeleton$: People
16. The Strokes: Angles
17. Thurstoon Moore: Demolished Thoughts
18. Pure X: Pleasure
19. Timber Timbre: Creep On, Creepin' On
20. Petit Fantôme: Yallah
21. St. Vincent: Strange Mercy
22. The Feelies: Here Before
23. James Blake: James Blake
24. Wilco: The Whole Love
25. Beirut: The Rip Tide
26. Dominant Legs: Invitation
27. Craft Spells: Idle Labor
28. Washed Out: Within and Without
29. Yuck: Yuck
30. Shabazz Palaces: Black Up
Az ír nialler9 blog kizárólag ír lemezeket rangsoroló összesítése:
1. Tieranniesaur: Tieranniesaur LP
2. Jape: Ocean of Frequency
3. And So I Watch You From Afar: Gangs
4. We Cut Corners: Today I Realised I Could Go Home Backwards
5. Le Galaxie: LaserDisc Nights 2
6. Squarehead: Yeah Nothing
7. Retarded Cop: You Have The Right To Remain Retarded
8. Owensie: Aliens
9. Patrick Kelleher & His Cold Dead Hands: Golden Syrup
10. Goodtime: The Colours Of Darkness
Az izlandi gogoyoko.com oldal évösszegzője:
1. Kurt Vile: Smoke Ring For My Halo
2. Bon Iver: Bon Iver
3. Sin Fang: Summer Echoes
4. Radiohead: The King Of Limbs
5. tUnE-yArDs: W H O K I L L
6. John Maus: We Must Become The Pitiless Censors Of Ourselves
7. Dillon: This Silence Kills
8. Nolo: Nology
9. Eleanor Friedberger: Last Summer
10. Gusgus: Arabian Horse
11. Sóley: We Sink
12. Mugison: Haglél
13. Unknown Mortal Orchestra: Unknown Mortal Orchestra
14. St. Vincent: Strange Mercy
15. Wye Oak: Civilian
16. Dark Captain: Dead Legs & Rituals
17. h Aucoin: We’re All Dying To Live
18. Gang Related: Stunts & Rituals
19. Prinspóló: Jukk
20. I’m Being Good: Mountain Language
21. Atlas Sound: Parallax
22. Cymbals Eat Guitars: Lenses Alien
23. The Horrors: Skying
25. Sandro Perri: Impossible Spaces
26. Alexander: Alexander
27. FM Belfast: Don’t Want To Sleep
28. Reykjavík!: Locust Sounds
29. Snorri Helgason: Winter Sun
30. Low Roar: Low Roar
A spanyol playground.com rangsora:
1-2. The Weeknd: House of Balloons
1-2. Drake: Take Care
3. Rustie: Glass Swords
4. PJ Harvey: Let England Shake
5. Balam Acab: Wander/Wonder
6. The Roots: Undun
7. Tim Hecker: Ravedeath, 1972
8. Bon Iver: Bon Iver
9. James Blake: James Blake
10. Clams Casino: Instrumentals
11. Oneohtrix Point Never: Replica
12. Metronomy: The English Riviera
13. Kuedo: Severant
14. Gang Gang Dance: Eye Contact
15. Araabmuzik: Electronic Dream
16-17. Caretaker: An Empty Bliss Beyond This World
16-17. Leyland Kirby: Eager to Tear Apart the Stars
18. John Maus: We Must Become the Pitiless Censors of Ourselves
19. Roly Porter: Aftertime
20. Nils Frahm: Felt
22. M83: Hurry Up, We're Dreaming
23. Pinch & Shackleton: Pinch & Shackleton
24. Britney Spears: Femme Fatale
25. The Haxan Cloak: The Haxan Cloak
26. Girls: Father, Son, Holy Ghost
A portugál Blitz évösszegzője:
1. James Blake: James Blake
2. PJ Harvey: Let England Shake
3. Nicolas Jaar: Space Is Only Noise
4. Fleet Foxes: Helplessness Blues
5. Bon Iver: Bon Iver
6. Stephen Malkmus And The Jicks: Mirror Traffic
7. Kurt Vile: Smoke Ring For My Halo
8. Laura Marling: A Creature I Don't Know
9. Tom Waits: Bad As Me
10. Adele: 21
11. WU LYF: Go Tell Fire to the Mountain
12. Destroyer: Kaputt
13. Anna Calvi: Anna Calvi
14. Katy B: On a Mission
15. Tyler, the Creator: Goblin
16. Beyoncé: 4
17. Britney Spears: Femme Fatale
18. Jonathan Wilson: Gentle Spirit
19. Diddy Dirty Money: Last Train To Paris
20. Jamie Won: Mirrorwriting
21. Low: C'mon
22. Wild Beasts: Smother
23. Feist: Metals
24. Lykke Li: Wounded Rhymes
25. Chico Buarque: Chico
26. Coldplay: Mylo Xyloto
27. Trap Them: Darker Handcarft
28. Afrocubism: Afrocubism
29. Metronomy: The English Riviera
30. Justice: Audio, Video, Disco
31. Tinariwen: Tassili
32. tUnE-yArDs: w h o k i l l
33. The Field: Looping State Of Mind
34. Florence and the Machine: Ceremonials
35. Friendly Fires: Pala
36. Smith Westerns: Dye It Blonde
37. The Weeknd: House of Balloons
38. Gang Gang Dance: Eye Contact
39. Radiohead: The King of Limbs
40. Jessica Lea Mayfield: Tell Me
42. David Sylvian: Died In Wool
43. Patrick Wolf: Lupercalia
44. Toro Y Moi: Underneath the Pine
45. TV on the Radio: Nine Types of Light
46. Wild Flag: Wild Flag
47. Zomby: Dedication
48. Bill Callahan: Apocalypse
49. Mastodon: The Hunter
50. The Dodos: No color
Az olasz Rumore listája:
1. James Blake: James Blake
2. PJ Harvey: Let England Shake
3. Bon Iver: Bon Iver
4. Fleet Foxes: Helplessness Blues
5. Verdena: Wow
6. Radio Moscow: The Great Escape Of Leslie Magnafuzz
7. I Cani: Il Sorprendente Album D'esordio
8. The Rapture: In The Grace Of Your Love
9. Saviours: Death's Procession
10. Danava: Emisphere Of Shadows
11. Orchid: Capricorn
12. The Might Could: The Might Could
13. The Horrors: Skying
14. The Peoples Temple: Sons Of Stone
15. Paolo Benvegnù: Hermann
16. Obrero: Mortui Vivos Docent
17. tUnE-yArDs: w h o k i l l
18. Devil: Time To Repent
19. Blood Ceremony: Living With The Ancients
20. Rival Sons: Pressure And Time
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